Connect the Dots

Date | Monthly
Time | 9:00 PM EST
Location | Various


Join the Convo!

Atlanta Social Connect the Dots

Join Us at Connect the Dots: Monthly Networking Event Fostering Synergy and Collaboration!

We are thrilled to invite you to Connect the Dots, the ultimate monthly networking event beyond business cards and handshakes. It's all about forging meaningful connections, bridging industries, and creating a vibrant tapestry of collaboration and synergy!

At Connect the Dots, we believe in the power of bringing diverse minds together. We've applied a sprinkle of synergy-enhancing opportunities to create an experience that inspires, ignites, and excites you.

Our monthly gatherings are different from your typical networking affair. We curate engaging activities, interactive sessions, and dynamic workshops designed to foster connections that truly matter.

But it's not all business talk and serious discussions. Connect the Dots is about building relationships, forming friendships, and having a great time. Our friendly and inviting atmosphere encourages laughter, genuine conversations, and the sharing of inspiring stories. Come prepared to connect and share as we celebrate the magic that happens when brilliant minds unite.

To secure your spot at the Connect the Dots event, RSVP now! We have limited spaces available, and we want you to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to bridge industries, expand your network, and embark on a collaborative journey that will propel your professional growth.

Let's Connect the Dots, amplify our collective genius, and create a future where synergy reigns supreme!

About the Host

Meet Cate Brown, the vibrant soul at the helm of Atlanta Social. She's our Founder, Host, and President, as multifaceted as the city skyline!

Cate's journey is as captivating as a Southern twilight. She spent decades in the software industry, mastering the ones and zeros of development, diving into the nitty-gritty of education, and leading with gusto in management. But one day, she swapped her keyboard for keys to new homes and embarked on an exciting career in real estate.

But Cate's true love, like peach pie at a summer picnic, has always been Atlanta. She found herself constantly enchanted by the city's charm and bustling energy. Eager to share her passion, Cate harnessed her knack for networking and penchant for personal growth, and voila! Atlanta Social was born.

Cate Brown, Host & Founder | Atlanta Social